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The JOB LEAP Program

A systematic, advanced, and collaborative way to land your next leap job:

  • Even are struggling to land the right interviews
  • Even if...your interviews do not lead to offers
  • Even if...there is a tough job market out there
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You can't just rely on your technical skills in the US!

The problem with the job search is not the product – aka YOU.

  • You have years of relevant work experience
  • You have amazing technical expertise
  • You have worn many hats
  • You know your stuff
  • You have the intangibles
  • You have delivered massive results
  • Your impact has been touted at your firm

So then, why aren't you seeing success in the job search process?

Because there's a different game being played around us. With different game plays.

Let me share a story about Dave, my friend from my university’s Formula SAE team. Dave and I were hanging out in the design lab one day, and he was talking about an upcoming interview. For that, he was picking parts that he had worked on.

He planned to bring the actual parts to the interview so he could explain the work he had done.

That’s marketing.

The interviewer was an industry connection he made at a recent competition. He had kept in touch with this hiring manager and met her to understand what her team did. Once it was a fit, he could position himself as the solution.

That’s sales.

That’s the secret.

You might feel that you have heard this secret before.

But the problem that you face and the one I faced is no one tells us how to use it. We are not born entrepreneurs who have a great product (which is our skills and our intangibles) and be effective at marketing and sales.

Luckily, I stumbled into entrepreneurship courses from top entrepreneurs such as Seth Godin, Ramit Sethi, Noah Kagan, and more.

They taught me how to think like an entrepreneur in the business world and the corporate world. They also gave me the skills to become a Partner at the company while I worked with over 9 F500 companies. 

I used that to find my dream role and then taught it to hundreds of professionals pictured above.

Me after the Formula SAE Michigan endurance event. What I learned from my US-born teammates was how to sell their experience and build relationships.

I learned a lot about entrepreneurship from Ramit Sethi (right) and Naveen Dittakavi (left) which is surprisingly applicable to the job search process.

Meet some of my successful students


Akshay Apte

Battery Tech Engineer

"As international students, we are looking for mentors. I am grateful to have one in Varun. It is easy to approach him and he has clear methods/strategies to tackle most common problems for an individual searching for jobs/change. He is also resourceful and brings in some examples of past that helped him/friends in making that leap. He has helped me with my job search, building relationships, and salary negotiation. All of which has been instrumental in me having careers at Ford, FCA, GM, and Jaguar Land Rover."

Sujay Deshpande

Lean/Continuous Improvement Leader

"When I attended Varun's trainings at my university, the first thought I had was, 'No one is teaching us these strategies that we should know.' My two biggest insights were -- how to apply for jobs both online and via referrals, and how to negotiate beyond salary for vacation times, WFH flexibility, and faster reviews. Game changer."

Shreeram Makki

Systems Engineer

"Varun simplified a complex job search process into extremely helpful action items. Be it using the 30-second resume test, or scripts to use for networking, or how to prepare for interview answers. These strategies helped me get a job 5 months before graduation! And when I switched, I used the same strategies to get a 50% hike!"

Hear from your favorite  creators who have worked with me.

(for their LinkedIn strategy)

Aditi Paul

"The way Varun transparently and clearly broke down his strategy that led to his virality in the LinkedIn job search and career space was terrific. I highly recommend implementing them and powering up your path to your goals."

Aditya Mahara

"Varun shares methods that simply works. I love that he’s humble, approachable, passionate and always willing to help others."

Anu Ramakrishnan

"Varun is a thoughtful and articulate instructor who gets right to the point. I loved his tactical frameworks and processes for LinkedIn, and how he engaged with the attendees during the training. I look forward to learn more from Varun."

Prashha Dutra

"Varun’s training was one of the best workshops I had ever attended. Varun does a fantastic job of sharing an effective and well tested strategies in the most concise way. I’d recommend his courses to anyone who is looking for high quality information that is actionable too."

What if your job search was different?

What if:

You didn't have as much heart ache and frustration with your job search.

  • You were not refreshing your email endlessly
  • You were not checking up the nth time on someone who ghosted you
  • You were not on your 200th job application hoping history doesn't repeat itself

Job search can be a lonely journey with no feedback loops. Which can cause confusion and lack of understanding about why things are not moving.

But not all is bleak with the process.

  • There is a way to position yourself as the top performer you are
  • Companies hire for the right people in spite of recessions
  • You can network effectively too even if starting from a gap

With the right strategy, mentor, and community.

So imagine if things were different.

  • You know your resume is a great fit for the roles and LinkedIn profile impressive
  • When you opened your email you had messages from HR teams waiting to setup interviews
  • Someone whom you were networking with was happy to talk virtually about your industry
  • You get a referral for an application and they advocate for you
  • You have amazing practiced answers for the interview which gives you immense confidence

That is what I felt when I was getting multiple offers and interview opportunities.

A few years into my career, after learning the rules of this game:

  1. I was wearing multiple hats at an exciting company.
  2. I was getting offers from clients in engineering and marketing.
  3. I was getting head-hunted by recruiters of top automotive companies

All different, yet dream roles.

I got extremely lucky to find mentors I shared above that taught me how everything works in the US.

The luck part was external. What was in my control, was to strategically increase the surface area of luck.

I did that by:

  • Investing my hard-earned dollars in upskilling, entrepreneurship, and communication courses
  • Have literally hundred plus mentor talks with professionals in my industry and outside
  • Testing systems in my career and the career search of other immigrant professionals

Over the years, like I said, I have been headhunted, personally vouched by C-suite executives, worn multiple hats, become a business owning partner, and more.

So I started teaching that to 200+ professionals offline and over 60k (more when you are reading this) students and professionals on LinkedIn!

And now, I am sharing all my job search strategies and personally working with you in a mentorship program to help you land your next Leap Job.

The JOB LEAP Program

Go from a painful job search experience to your dream job in the US!

What you will get out of this course:

Impactful Marketing: Positioning yourself as the top candidate

Module 1: Resonance Strategy

✅ How to avoid applying to 100+ more jobs and instill a job search strategy without burning out
Define your Resonance Strategy to first get strategic about your desired titles and companies, and then balance applying applying online with applying through relationships.    

Module 2: RARe Resume

How to create a resume that lands interviews without having to tweak it for each job application
Not having a specific resume is bad, tweaking the resume for each position is a bad strategy too. Build an impressive 1-3 resumes using the RARe strategy and that is all you need.
How to write resume bullets and interview answers to make your diamond-like experience shine
The biggest mistake immigrants make is undervalue their experience or make it vague with jargon. Write bullets and interview answers using the Why-How-What framework to showcase your expertise as diamonds and not rocks.   

Module 3: Credibility Portfolio and Pitch

✅ How to create a Credibility Pitch to land interviews
Build on your credibility by creating a portfolio of past projects and by creating a pitch specifically for the company you are applying to and stand out instantly.

Module 4: Optimized LinkedIn Profile

✅ How to optimize the LinkedIn profile to be a great landing page
A lot of the job application is tell-tell-tell. Leverage LinkedIn to Show rather than Tell. Validate your candidacy in your visitor's eye so you get called for interviews. 

Effective Sales: Influence stakeholders to hit "buy"

Module 5: Networking 101 to 501

✅ How to deal with networking and interviewing as someone with no network or as an introvert
Immigrants don't come here with a ready-made network. Even if we have a network it is limited to our peers and people we work with. It can also seem like being an introvert is a massive disadvantage. Build a 50-30-20 strategy to know whom to reach out to and how, even if you have no network or are an introvert. 

Module 6: Impressive Interviewing

✅ How to get interviews for the right positions and crack the dreaded behavioral interviews
Create answers for the five types of behavioral questions: Leadership, Challenges, Frameworks, Successes, Teamwork -- using the STAR and WHW frameworks.
✅ How to talk to the hiring manager and HR teams after interviewing
It is tricky to know when and how to reach out to the hiring team after an interview. Build a plan with timeline, scripts, and contingencies for different scenarios.
✅ How to *plan* to be Ghosted and what to do next instead to make things happen
Ghosting is part of the process. Failing to plan is preparing to fail. Use float scripts, Strategic Shares, and Credibility Portfolio to improve response rates. 

Module 7: Negotiating Your Best Offer

✅ How to showcase top performance by actually negotiating the job offer
Top performers know negotiating a job offer is expected and not to be feared. Leverage the V-Negotiation System (not based on V for Varun) to get your best compensation and benefits package. 

What makes The Job Leap program special

Every step of the way, I asked myself one question:

What would make The Job Leap program the best course you have taken?

Then I took all of my answers and built them right into the program.

The end result is the most comprehensive job search program available:


The best learning happens in three ways: Self-study, group-study, and 1-1 with your mentor.


From resume to job offer strategy enabled by specific and repeatable frameworks.


Learn and be supported, not just by me, but by a group of fellow jobseekers.


Proven and ready-to-use email scripts, right at your fingertips.


Build you resume with me using the RARe and WHW framework.


Mock interview feedback using online tools (Interview Prep, Yoodli, etc) and in-person mock session.


If you are facing challenges with networking, I will help you get a warm intro to the right people from my 6,200+ connections.


Live hot seat negotiations and teardowns so you're ready for the real discussion.


Everything you need to land your next best move in your US career!

The program includes specific tactics you can use right away.

  • This is NOT a collection of motivational posts that makes you feel good for a few days…but leaves you right where you started.
  • It’s NOT a 1-hour resume review or 1-1 coaching call that takes you few steps ahead but not all the way.
  • And it’s NOT a mish-mash of “tips” you can find for free on Google.

The Job Leap program is a deliberate and systematic process for launching your next chapter.

         Launch your next Job Leap today!

Pre-Pay Option


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Payment Plan


3 Total Payments ($6,999)

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Next steps of the application:

Step 1: Application

Please fill the application completely and accurately to be considered for a program. Each person's job search has unique elements.

Step 2: Application Review

I review each application to assess fit. We don't work with everyone, nor are we the best fit for everyone. We help US-based immigrants land their next dream US role.

Step 3: 1-1 Consultation

After the initial review I will contact you to arrange a 1-1 video call. This helps me dig deeper into your job search processes and personalize the program to your specific needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

         Launch your next Job Leap today!

Pre-Pay Option


Saves $999

Payment Plan


3 Total Payments ($6,999)

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